Nanjing Wotian Technology Co., Ltd.

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[Wotian Sharing] About Electronic Pressure Switch

From: Issued date 2020.02.12 Back

Structural principle


"Electronic pressure switch" consists of pressure sensor, signal conditioning, microcomputer and electronic switch, calibration button, process selection switch and other parts.



(1) The pressure sensor device uses "single crystal silicon intelligent pressure sensor". The sensor has high precision (high stability, high overpressure and high static pressure resistance, and large range shift ratio. Monocrystalline silicon intelligent pressure sensor is selected as the sensing component to improve the control accuracy and reliability of the "smart electronic pressure switch" Guarantee provided.


(2) The signal conditioning part is composed of an integrated operational amplifier and electronic components. It adjusts the pressure signal obtained by the pressure sensor device into a signal that the microcomputer can accept and sends it to the microcomputer.


(3) The microcomputer analyzes, processes, and memorizes the collected pressure signals, eliminates interference and pressure fluctuations, and sends out correct pressure switch status signals.


(4) The electronic switch converts the pressure switch status signal from the microcomputer into the on and off of the "electronic pressure switch".


(5) Calibration button. As long as the "calibration button" is pressed during the verification of the intelligent electronic pressure switch, the microcomputer will automatically memorize the current pressure value and use this value as the "smart electronic pressure switch" set value to achieve the pressure. Smart verification of switches.

(6) Process selection switch. Different thresholds can be set for the bypass tank process and closed process. The thresholds set for the bypass tank process can be appropriately reduced, thereby overcoming the pressure switch of the bypass tank process.


Wotian Electronic Digital Pressure Switch


PCM710 intelligent pressure switch


product description


PCM710 intelligent pressure switch is an intelligent pressure measurement and control product that integrates pressure measurement, display, output and control. The product has a fully electronic structure, and the front end uses a silicon piezoresistive pressure sensor. The output signal is amplified and processed by a high-precision, low-temperature drift amplifier, sent to a high-precision A / D converter, processed by a microprocessor, and displayed on the site. It also outputs 2 switching values and 4-20mA analog quantity to detect and control the pressure of the control system.


Application area


The intelligent digital pressure controller is flexible to use, simple to operate, easy to debug, safe and reliable. It is widely used in hydropower, tap water, petroleum, chemical, machinery, hydraulic and other industries to measure, display and control the pressure of fluid media.


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